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What a creation!

'Riptide' Song created by a young participant.

What Teachers at Restormel AP are saying:


"I don't think anything could replace these music sessions for our students"

Participant's Mum shares:


"It's like a different person" - After a Music for Good day

Inside Story:


Willow, our Music Practitioner Speaks

about how students get excited to collaborate together making Music!

A moving song:


Created by a young participant who was experiencing a loss at the time

Participants at East Cornwall Primary Care Network share:

"I feel happy again, uplifted"

Two Inspiring Stories:


Going from isolated and alone in the playground to making friends and being included!

 - Jane our Music Practitioner

Participant shares:

"The positive impact carries forwards, after a Music for Good session, it makes you want to engage more with other things in life"

Singing for health and pain management

Emily our Director shares the research on:

Pema our Music Practitioner says:


Music has a way of lifting you up. Music is magic!

Creating Harmony:


Jo, our Music Practitioner shares the framework of the 3 C's: Connect, Create, Consolidate

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Krowji, West Park, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 3AJ

Charity Number 1108212

©2021 by Music for Good. Proudly created with


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